Investment Excellence is broadly distributed. Capital is not.

Only 1.4% of the ~$70T US asset management industry is run by firms owned by women and people of color.1

70% of non-minority allocators think there is a negative tradeoff between diversity and performance.2

Yet, women and people of color, on average, generate investment performance that is statistically equivalent to that of over-represented men.3
Firms owned by under-represented investors have, on average, fewer than half the assets under management compared to funds run by non-minority men resulting in fewer resources and lower pay.4
What if all firms actually had access to the same resources?
Expect Equity envisions a world in which under-represented managers are accorded the same benefit of the doubt as firms run by over-represented managers - they are being considered because of their potential to generate exceptional returns.

Who is under-represented? Expect Equity considers under-representation to be exemplified by triumph over adversity for managers who have reached a level of tenure and seniority in the investment industry where that individual’s background is disproportionately unusual, or “under-represented.”

Expect Equity exists to systematically increase that 1.4% and bring visibility, resources, and capital to under-represented public equity managers.

We believe that discerning allocators have the power to create change today that will earn better returns tomorrow by identifying those managers who are overlooked and under-appreciated.

Our worldview

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